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- Ama Codjoe
- American Journalism Project
- American Online Giving Foundation
- American Press Institute
- Andrea and Charles Overby
- Archie and Olivia Manning
- Arnold Shapiro and Karen L. MacKain
- Arnold Ventures
- Aubrey Davis
- Barbara Hamilton
- Beverly Dale
- Brenda and Charles Eagles
- Carla and Randall Wall
- Carol and George Penick
- Carol Palmer
- Charles D. Miller
- Charles T. Womack
- Community Foundation for Mississippi
- Curtis Wilkie
- David Barksdale
- David Francis
- Don Potts
- Donna and Jim Barksdale
- Dustin Todd
- Edward Bennett
- Edward Lewis
- Elizabeth Howard
- Ellen Leake
- Elta and James H. Johnston
- Emerson Collective
- Entergy Charitable Foundation
- Eric Bragg
- Foundation for Louisiana
- Frances and Cooper Morrison Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation for Mississippi
- Francis Family Investments, LLC
- Frank Ohrt
- Fund for Nonprofit News at The Miami Foundation
- Garret Swart
- George Schimmel
- George W. and Mary Kelley Murphy
- Greater New Orleans Foundation
- Hearthland Foundation
- Helen Boone
- Henry L. & Shirley A. Kelly
- Henry Luce Foundation
- Inasmuch Foundation
- Institute for Nonprofit News
- Ira A. Lipman Center – Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
- James Keeton
- Jessica You
- John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
- John Steffens
- Johnny Mack and Martha Morrow
- Jonathan Logan Family Foundation
- Judith Clark
- Julia Evans Reed Charitable Trust
- Karen Christoff
- Karen Jenne
- Leslie Westbrook Endowment Fund
- Liberty Bank and Trust
- Lucile and Bill Hicks
- Lumina Foundation
- Luther M. and Deborah Fish Ragin, Jr.
- M.W. Murphy Foundation
- Margaret McMullan and Pat O’Connor
- Marguerite Casey Foundation
- Mark Brown
- Marla Williams
- Mary F. Miller
- Maury Lutin
- Meredith and Jimmy Creekmore
- Merrill Family Charitable Foundation, Inc.
- Michael Knobler
- Mississippi Press Association Education Foundation
- Modena Martin
- Norbert Goldfield
- Open Campus
- Ouida and Wayne Drinkwater
- Paulo Passoni
- Pittman Family Foundation
- Posner Foundation of Pittsburgh
- Pro Publica
- Public Health Watch
- Public Welfare Foundation
- Pug Winokur
- Pulitzer Center
- Ralph Atkinson
- Raymond Massett
- Rebecca and Billy Long
- Richard Ratcliffe
- Sam Jackson
- Samuel Jacobs
- Scarlotte and Crymes Pittman
- Schwab Charitable
- Shelly Kannuthurai
- Simone Coxe
- Skyline Foundation
- The Bower Foundation
- The Ford Foundation
- The Howard Center for Investigative Journalism / University of Maryland
- The Kresge Foundation
- The Maddox Foundation
- The Phil Hardin Foundation
- Theodore Rubenstein
- Thomas G. Belden and Janice A. Miller
- Thomas Miller
- Tim Lawrence
- Timothy Francis
- Tom Buffaloe
- Toni Cooley
- Tonya Flesher
- Victoria and David Clark
- Virginia and Luther Munford
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation
- Walter Isaacson
- Walton Family Foundation
- William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- William Bynum
- Zemurray Foundation